Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement

Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement

Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement : For Continuous School Improvement


Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement provides a new definition of school improvement, away from a singular focus on compliance, toward a true commitment to excellence. This book is a call to action. It is about inspiring schools and school districts to commit to continuous school improvement by providing a framework that will result in improving teaching for every teacher and learning for every student through the comprehensive use of data. A culmination of over 30 years of doing the hard work in schools and districts both nationally and internationally, Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement shares new, evidence-based learnings about how to analyze, report, communicate, and use multiple measures of data. The updated edition provides a wealth of tools, protocols, timelines, examples, and strategies that will help schools and districts become genuine learning organizations.
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Product details

  • Paperback | 426 pages
  • 213.36 x 276.86 x 22.86mm | 1,150g
  • Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • Routledge
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • New edition
  • 4th edition
  • 1138294624
  • 9781138294622
  • 594,964

Table of contents


About the Author


From Compliance to Commitment: Using Data for Continuous School Improvement

The Continuous School Improvement Framework

Who We Are: Demographic Data

How We Do Business: Perceptions Data

How Are Our Students Doing: Student Learning Data

What Are Our Processes: School Processes Data

How Did We Get to Where We Are: Looking Across All the Data

What is Working and What is not Working: Delving Deeper Into the Data

Where do we Want to Be: Creating a Shared vision and monitoring its implementation

How are we going to get to where we want to be: Implementing the shared vision by creating a plan for continuous school improvement

Strategies for Teachers: Using data to implement the vision through the continuous school improvement plan to improve teaching and learning

Is What We Are Doing Making a Difference: Evaluating our Efforts

Continuous School Improvement Timeline: Making Time to do the Work

The Transformation From a complying school to a learning organization


References and Resources

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Review Text

"I have experienced the transformational, team empowering breakthrough of going full circle with the 'Continuous School Improvement Framework' using the 4th Edition's updated tools and information. Commitment to the comprehensive framework and wealth of ideas as outlined in the book is key to: building data literacy, developing the team's clear, shared vision for success, tracking the progress of all students in alignment with curriculum expectations, and monitoring the effectiveness of programs and processes for sustained learning and improvement."

--Hélène Boudreau, Educator, Ontario, Canada

  "Schools today are being held accountable for every child's learning. As education leaders, we must learn how to design and implement a data-driven instructional system to facilitate sustained, measurable learning on the part of all students. This book is an excellent resource to assist school improvement teams in this effort."

Reviewed by Diane E. Reed, associate professor and director, Graduate Educational Leadership Program, St. Fisher College, Rochester N.Y. Full review published in School Administrator magazine, June 2018.
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Review quote

"I have experienced the transformational, team empowering breakthrough of going full circle with the 'Continuous School Improvement Framework' using the 4th Edition's updated tools and information. Commitment to the comprehensive framework and wealth of ideas as outlined in the book is key to: building data literacy, developing the team's clear, shared vision for success, tracking the progress of all students in alignment with curriculum expectations, and monitoring the effectiveness of programs and processes for sustained learning and improvement."

--Helene Boudreau, Educator, Ontario, Canada

"Schools today are being held accountable for every child's learning. As education leaders, we must learn how to design and implement a data-driven instructional system to facilitate sustained, measurable learning on the part of all students. This book is an excellent resource to assist school improvement teams in this effort."

Reviewed by Diane E. Reed, associate professor and director, Graduate Educational Leadership Program, St. Fisher College, Rochester N.Y. Full review published in School Administrator magazine, June 2018.
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About Victoria L. Bernhardt

Victoria L. Bernhardt, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Education for the Future Initiative, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to build the capacity of all learning organizations and use data to improve learning for all students. She is also a Professor Emeritus in the College of Communication and Education at California State University, Chico. This is her 22nd book.
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